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Intents class

The intents class is generally initiated at the top level of a component and has a bunch of decorators that make it easier to create intents and their components.

Example initialization:

from home_intent import Intents
intents = Intents(__name__)


Dictionary slots expect a dictionary of what is spoken to what is returned to the sentence method. It can be really useful to use entity id's to make for quick manipulation.


def light(self):
    return {
        "Bedroom Light": "light.bedroom",
        "Kitchen": "",
        "Office Light": "",

This allows you to use the following in the associated sentence:

@intents.sentences(["turn (on|off) the ($light)", "toggle the ($light)"])

which will then pass in the specific spoken light (ex: light.bedroom) to the associated sentence function in the light parameter.


The regular slots are useful when the text that is spoken is the same as the text that is returned in the sentence method.


def shopping_list_item(self):
    return ["apples", "applesauce", "asparagus", "bacon"]

This works with the following sentence:

@intents.sentences(["add ($shopping_list_item) to the [shopping] list"])

which will pass the specific shopping list item (ex: apples) to the associated function via shopping_list_item parameter.


Both @intents.dictionary_slots and @intents.slots can only be used once in a sentence - as they are a named association with the value in Rhasspy. For cases where a slot needs to appear multiple times in the same sentence, repeatable_dictionary_slots can be used.

def number(self):
    return {
        "one": "1",
        "two": "2",
        "three": "3",

So then it can be used multiple times in a sentence:

@intents.sentences(["multiply ($number){first} times ($number){second}"])

and the number value (so 1 or 2) would be passed in as first and second in the associated parameters.


This decorator takes in a list of strings that can be spoken to trigger an intent. After the intent is triggered, the method that is decorated will execute. The sentences follow the sentence structure Rhasspy uses.

Home Intent will parse out the slot name (in the form ($slotName)) and tag name (in the form {tagName}) and verify they are parameters in the method. When an intent triggers, those values are then passed in to the method.


@intents.sentences(["add ($shopping_item) to the [shopping] list"])
def add_item_to_shopping_list(self, shopping_item):
    self.ha.api.call_service("shopping_list", "add_item", {"name": shopping_item})
    return f"Adding {shopping_item} to the shopping list."

In the example shopping_item is expected to be passed in to the add_item_to_shopping_list based on the sentence. If a string is returned from the method, it will be spoken by Home Intent. For consistency and simplicity, all sentences that perform an action should start with a gerund. Examples:

  • Adding oreos to the shopping list
  • Setting the kitchen light to red
  • Turning on the bedroom light

and we're still figuring out how sentences that return state information should work, as very few of these are currently implemented.


This decorator will pass in the satellite_id of the area that the sentence is spoken. This is useful if you need to say something to the user at a later time.


This method registers a callback method that will be executed after the slot methods have been executed. It can come in handy for disabling an intent if there are no slots to execute on, which can help the overall experience as a sentence that can't do anything shouldn't be registered in Rhasspy. To aid in disabling intents, there are two helper methods intents.disable_intent and intents.disable_all.

System Integrations

For system integrations (like Home Assistant), intents can also be disabled before calling register if it is known ahead of time if the group of intents is not going to be used.

if "shopping_list" in
        shopping_list.ShoppingList(home_assistant_component), shopping_list.intents


Disables a specific intent method. Takes in the actual method and will stop it from being registered in Rhasspy.

On Disabling

By default any intent which have slots with no value will be disabled automatically in Rhasspy via Home Intent. This is to make writing components with specific features easier.


def conditionally_remove_intents(self):
    if reason_to_disable:


Disables the entire intent. Can come in handy if there are no slots associated.


def conditionally_remove_intents(self):
    if reason_to_disable:

On Slots and Sentences

One thing that is currently a little odd is that slot names (either regular or dictionary) have to be unique across Home Intent. Technically slots can be used across multiple intents. Sentences, on the other hand, do not need to be unique across Home Intent.

You will get a runtime error if multiple slots are found with the same name.